News Archive

اللقاء السنوي لمنسوبات الكلية

The Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, represented by the College Club at female campus, held the annual meeting for college staff.

The meeting featured a speech by Dr. Tahani Al-Zikri and a video presentation of the student club’s programs for the year 1445 AH.

اجتماع رئيس اللجنة الدائمة لمجلس الكلية مع أعضاء وحدة خدمة المجتمع

The Chairman of the Standing Committee of the College Council, Dr. Omar Al-Omar held a meeting with the representative of the College’s Vice-Dean's Office for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Hajid Al-Otaibi, and members of the Community Service and Continuing Education Unit.

الكلية تتلقى خطابات الشكر بشأن التقرير السنوي المصور لعام 1444هـ

The College received two letters of thanks from the Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Ahmed Al-Rumaih, and the general supervisor of the university rector’s office, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Roshoud, in recognition its annual report for the year 1444 AH.

اجتماع رئيس اللجنة الدائمة لمجلس الكلية مع أعضاء وحدة العلاقات والتوثيق

The Chairman of the Standing Committee of the College Council, Dr. Omar Al-Omar held a meeting with members of the Relations and Documentation Unit on Wednesday. Several topics were discussed featuring the unit's works and cooperation with other units. 

جولة تفقدية على القاعات الدراسية مع بداية العام الجامعي 1445هـ

The Chairman of the Permanent Committee of the College Council, Dr. Omar Al-Omar, and the representative of the Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs, Dr. Yasser Al-Shabrami, conducted a tour of inspection to the classrooms and listened to students' feedback.

دورة تدريبية بعنوان "التعريف بنظام السجل المهاري"

The Department of Business Administration, in cooperation with the Academic Advising Unit organized a training course entitled (Introducing the Skill Record System), on Monday.

The course was presented remotely by Dr. Nahed Ali, and addressed different topics including:

برنامج بعنوان "ترتيب الأولويات"

The Guidance and Counseling Unit conducted a program titled "Setting Priorities" on Tuesday, 3/11/1444 H. The program was delivered remotely by Dr.

برنامج ديني بعنوان "منهجية تعلم التفسير"

The Department of Islamic Studies, in cooperation with the college club organized a program entitled: The Methodology for Learning Interpretation. Presented by Ms. Badriyeh Al-Otaibi, on Sunday, the program addressed the following topics:

- What is interpretation and its importance

برنامج توعوي بعنوان "التوحيد أولاً"

The Department of Islamic Studies, in cooperation with the College Club, held an awareness program entitled: Monotheism First, on Monday.

Presented by Dr. Noura Al-Shehri, and Dr. Thuraya Al-Saif, the program addressed many topics:

- What is the importance of monotheism

برنامج ثقافي بعنوان "الاستعداد الجيد للدراسات العليا"

The Department of Islamic Studies, in cooperation with the College Club, organized a cultural program entitled: Good Preparation for Postgraduate Studies, on Tuesday.

The program was presented by Ms. Badria Al-Otaibi and addressed many topics:

برنامج ثقافي بعنوان " مهارة إدارة الوقت ضرورة أساسية لمواجهة التحديات"

The college club, in collaboration with the Department of Business Administration, organized a cultural program titled "Time Management Skill: A Fundamental Necessity for Facing Challenges.".

The program was conducted on Monday, 25/10/1444 AH and was presented by Dr. Sanaa Dawood.

حلقة نقاشية بعنوان "مستقبل البحث العلمي وفق رؤية 2030"

The Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Unit, in cooperation with the E-Learning Unit organized a seminar entitled: (The future of scientific research according to Vision 2030). The seminar was presented remotely by Dr. Arafa Jibril and Dr.

بطولة الكلية للبلوت

The College Bloot Tournament concluded which was organized by the Student Affairs represented by the Student Club. The tournament took place in the sports hall using knock-out system with the participation of ten teams.

برنامج ثقافي بعنوان "أساليب الحياة حول العالم"

The college's club at female campus, in cooperation with the Department of English, held a cultural program entitled: Lifestyles around the world, on Wednesday.

ملتقى مشاريع التخرج الطلابية الثاني

The Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Unit and the scientific departments, organized the second student graduation projects forum, on Wednesday.

محاضرة بعنوان "ماذا بعد رمضان"

The college club at female campus held a lecture entitled: What after Ramadan? On Wednesday. The lecture was presented by Dr. Nora Al-Shehri, and featured different issues including:

What did we benefit from Ramadan?

Have we achieved piety as God Almighty wanted it?

مسابقة "حفظ الجزء الثلاثون من القرآن الكريم"

The Student Affairs, represented by the College Club at female campus launched a competition for memorizing 30 chapters of the Holy Qur’an during Ramadan. Candidates listened to a recitation of an expert and then have their recitation corrected. 

حفل المعايدة السنوي لمنسوبات الكلية

The Student Affairs, represented by the College's Club at female campus, organized a gathering for staff on Sunday 10/10/1444 to celebrate Eid.

حفل المعايدة السنوي

The Relations and Documentation Unit, in collaboration with the College Administration, organized the annual Eid celebration of Eid al-Fitr for the year 1444 AH. The event took place on Wednesday, and was attended by Dr.

معرض مشاريع التخرج لطلبة وطالبات قسم إدارة الأعمال

Under the auspices of the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the College Council, Dr.