The College's Club at the female campus organized in cooperation with Student Affairs a cultural program on International Anti-Corruption Day.

The Department of Islamic Studies, held in cooperation with the College Club a program entitled (Good Preparation for Postgraduate Studies). The program was presented by Ms.
The Department of Business Administration organized a cultural program in cooperation with the College's Club entitled “Managing Organizational Change in Saudi Organizations to Face Challenges,”.
The Department of Business Administration, conducted, in cooperation with the College's club, a cultural program entitled: The Saudi Stock Exchange: Reality and Aspirations, on Wednesday.
The Department of Business Administration organized, in cooperation with the College's club, a cultural program entitled: Agile human resources planning according to the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, on Monday.

The English Department conducted a training course entitled: Adapting and Improving the New Work Environment, on Wednesday. The course was presented online by Mr.

The English Department conducted a training course entitled “How to Speak English Fluently,” on Sunday. The course was presented online by Mr.

The English Department conducted a training course entitled “Planning and Progress towards Future Goals” on Thursday. The course was presented online by Mr.

The Standing Committee of the College Council held the 12th session, which was headed by Dr. Omar Al-Omar, on Wednesday, via Blackboard.

The Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Unit, conducted in cooperation with the Business Administration Department, a workshop entitled (How to use Mendeley Program), on Monday.
The college held the eleventh session of the Standing Committee of the College's council and was headed by Dr.

The Business Administration Department, organized in cooperation with the College's Club at female campus, a program entitled “Entrepreneurial Investment Projects”, under the supervision of Dr. Maryam Adam Omar.

The Community Service and Continuing Education Unit, organized in cooperation with the Business Administration Department at female campus, a workshop entitled “Green Human Resources and the Institution’s Social Responsibility,” on Thursday at the Holy Quran Memorization Schools Complex for Girls

The college held the tenth session of the Permanent Committee of the College Council, on Wednesday 4/10/1445 which was headed by Dr. Omar Al-Omar.
The Community Service Unit and the Relations and Documentation Unit, held in cooperation with the Primary Health Care Center in Al Nahda, Hawtat Sudair, the seasonal influenza vaccination and diabetes screening initiative in conjunction with World Diabetes Day, on Wednesday.
The college held on Monday the third student graduation projects forum at the female section. Three sessions featured the forum as follow:
First session: Business Administration Department
The 9th session of the Standing Committee of the College's Council was headed by Dr. Omar Al-Omar, and discussed several topics including:
1. Activating community partnerships with the Community Service Unit.

The 8th session of the Permanent Committee of the College's council was headed by Dr. Omar Al-Omar, and addressed several topics including:
1. The guide to recent developments in the academic counseling process.

The Student Counseling Unit, held in cooperation with the College Club and the Department of Islamic Studies an awareness program about the hereafter on Monday. The course was presented by Dr. Noura Al Shehri, Dr. Thuraya Al-Saif, and Ms. Badriya Al-Otaibi, and they discussed several topics,…

The Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Unit at female campus held a workshop entitled “Highlights on Applied Research”, on Tuesday. The workshop was presented online by Dr.