Dr. Rumih Guest at the College

His Excellency, Dean of the College of Science and Humanities in Ghat Dr. Abdullah Khalid Al-Shafie received the University Deputy of Academic Affairs Dr. Ahmad Ali Al-Rumih and his accompanying delegation on Tuesday morning 22/03/1436. The College Dean gave the first address in which he welcomed and congratulated, in his name and on behalf of the College Staff, Dr. Rumih on his new position as the University Deputy of Academic Affairs, then there was an introduction of the College current programs and its recent accomplishments. The College Deputy of Academic Affairs Dr. Omer Al-Omer gave another speech. He reviewed the exam procedures and the work of the exam committees along with the approved measures of following up exams in the departments of female and male students. The procedures of the Aptitude Test and Evaluation Unit have been illustrated in a third speech by Dr. Tawfiq Al-Masri, the Unit Supervisor. The College Staff presented suggestions and opinions concerning the college and the followed procedures afterwards. Dr. Rumih then thanked the College Staff and expressed his gratitude for their congratulations warm welcome. He stressed in his speech the need to exert more effort and dedication on the part of the College Staff through the continuous coordination and integration between the College and the Academic Affairs Department with its administrative and academic Units in order to achieve and maintain high quality academic standards. Having finished his speech, Dr. Rumih went on a tour at the College, checking Exam Procedures, Control Units and students sitting exams. He then had a meeting with the College Dean Dr. Abdullah Al-Shafie, the College Deputies and Heads of Departments.










Last modified
Monday, 02/March/2015