The College of Science and Humanities in Ghat Takes part in “Your Decision Determines Your Life”

The College of Science and Humanities in Ghat Takes part in “Your Decision Determines Your Life”


Within the rector’s directives, Dr. Khalid Al-Mukrin, and the Dean of the College of Science and Humanities, Dr. Abdullah Al-Shafie, the College of Science and Humanities in Ghat participated in the 31st Gulf Traffic Awareness Campaign “Your Decision Determines Your Life”. The Campaign took place on Monday 18/05/1436 in Ghat in the presence of the governor of Ghat, Mr. Abdullah Nasser Al-Sedairi. The Governor opened the weeklong exhibition. The reception of the governor, his deputy, directors of governmental departments and the exhibition guests was held in the presence of the college Deputy of Academic Affairs, Dr. Omer Al-Omer. The college corner at the exhibition appreciated the governor’s visit and presented him with a short introduction of the college vision, mission and departments. Directions of the rector, Dr. Al-Muqrin aimed at making the colleges’ participation at the exhibition more effective in achieving community partnership. The college corner included the play of a safety documentary film , in addition to the distribution of several printouts,brochures. Dr. Omer Al-Omer, the College Deputy, then, delivered a speech, followed by the Director of Traffic Department in Ghat, Major Naif Al-Heris, honoring the college for its effective participation in the events. It is worth mentioning that the colleagues at the community college have fully cooperated to produce and distribute the printouts and brochures, and support the college corner in the events.




Last modified
Monday, 23/March/2015