The urgent need for graduates who specialized in law that can  work in government and private sectors and implementing of legal frameworks that is one of the motives  for adopting this program, It is  also is one of the tools that allows  Majmaah University to achieve its goals in  the legal field aiming to graduate specialized cadres in law in order to service community.


Qualifying the students in order to be able to compete in national and regional levels with great legal excellence and activating the role of these disciplines in the service of the nation and society.
Cooperating with the various Departments in the mission of the Department of Law in striving to build and configure the student legally through the acquired skills and theoretical knowledge and practice in the overall different disciplines of law and qualifying position to do various legal practices.
   Qualifying and preparing of efficient legal cadres that can hold 1.  
     position in the legal  practices that is highly required   by government and  private sectors.
  2. Developing an awareness legal culture in the community through lectures, seminars and workshops in the specialty of law.   
3. Partnership between law professors and students with executive and the judiciary authority achieve the goal of the university in servicing and promoting the community  
      4. Building bridges of cooperation and knowledge networking and scientific cooperation between the department and those who are interested in law studies with their counterparts in the Kingdom and abroad.
5. Encouraging scientific research and production in all areas of law for the development of legal culture and legal awareness in the Kingdom.