AFU Unit Duties

AFU Unit Duties


  • Inform students of their rights and duties and the regulations organizing the educational process in the college.
  • Follow up the students' attendance as well as the percentage of attendance in different courses, lectures and tutorials.
  • Calculate every student's absence and attendance in each course.
  • Warn students almost to overcome tolerable absence rates as set by university regulations and this in coordination with the academic counsellor of the student.

  • Submit students absence excuses and see whether to accept them or not and submit a report for each student falling short of attendance to the college vice dean for academic affairs.
  • Coordinate with the Unit of Admission and Registration and the Examinations Unit in what regards students against whom barring decisions were issued for attendance shortage and notify the academic counsellor of the student.
  • Receive student grievances and requests.
  • Investigate students’ infringements and submit full reports to the college vice dean for academic affairs.
  • Follow up faculty commitment to the study plan of courses approved by the scientific department councils in terms of time and content.
  • Follow up faculty commitment to unify scientific and lab. Content of the courses approved by the department councils and the commitment to the executive schedule of the courses in both male and female sections.

Chair of AFU Unit tasks


  • Supervise the accomplishment and the follow-up of the unit mission.
  • Submit a full report to the college vice dean for academic affairs on student’s attendance and the cases of students barred for shortage of attendance
  • Submit a weekly report to the college vice dean for academic affairs on complaints and requests filed by students
  • Submit an instant report on any student infringement supported with evidence to the college vice dean for academic affairs to take the necessary steps on the matter thereof
  • Follow up and record any infringement of teaching plans of courses made by faculty members and submitting the report to the college vice dean for academic affairs
  • Ensure that the faculty member using the halls recorded according to the schedule prepared by the Admission and Registration Deanship

  • The confirmation of the presence of the faculty member and the start of the study from the first week of the beginning of the semester.
  • Ensure that the faculty member is the one who teach, not by the assistant or lecturer
  • The unit prepare the list of course conveners for various courses and approved by the Vice dean of Academic affairs