1. The academic advisor is the first one responsible for adding or withdrawing from courses.
2. Every academic advisor in each department should check and review the student list on the academic portal through the academic Advising coordinator in the department. In addition, a list of students should be placed on the Advising board and also on the door of each academic advisor's office.
3. The maximum number of hours registered for courses for each graduate student must not exceed 23 hours of the total number of hours in the semester.
4. The student may exceed the number of hours registered to 26 hours in the case if the student GPA 4 or more (registration rules for adding or withdrawing must be considered).
5. The maximum number of hours registered for each graduate student must not exceed 23 hours for the total number in the semester, including the hours of the graduation project.
6. The total number of hours of study allowed for regular students should not exceed the student's academic plan.
7. The student is not allowed to register for any course without registering the prerequisite of the course.
8. The total number of hours allowed for a regular student must not exceed 18 hours, and the student can add a 2-hour course if the course is included in the total number of courses registered.
9. The total number of hours allowed for a regular student must not exceed 18 hours without taking into account the hours of electronic courses with a maximum of 2 courses.
10. If a student has to delete a course , the student must cancel the prerequisite-course requirement if he / she is enrolled in the same semester.