Unit of Excellence in Teaching and Learning


 *  Development of the capacities of faculty members in the skills of teaching and learning, through the support of faculty members and reward them, as well as the provision of stimulating academic environment that is supportive for excellence and creativity in teaching and learning.

 *  Set plans to assess and develop different academic programs in the light of the requirements of quality, and the need of labor market, and encourage creative thinking.

 *  Follow-up and coordination with the Units of Quality in different faculties in relation to the fulfillment of the requirements of teaching and learning standard.

 *  Support the faculty member in research that is characterized with innovation and creativity, and could result in patents, as well as the research which has an impact on enriching the humanitarian knowledge in various areas of human, social, and applied sciences to serve the community.

 *  Provide the faculty member with the latest technology in the field of his specialization.

 *  Identify the faculty member with his rights and duties with respect to the academic side.