Vision and Mission

The Vision

College of Engineering in Majmaah aspires to be an educational institution with a distinct role in engineering education and a pioneer in creating prolific engineering cadres contributing effectively in areas that aim at improving the quality of life and society through applied research and scientific discoveries that benefit mankind.

The Mission

The College shoulders the responsibility of achieving the following tasks:

-To prepare the future youth well and provide them with modern scientific and practical skills that would contribute to raising their performance so that they can meet the future needs in the construction and development phase.

- To provide graduates with modern engineering technology and skills.

- To prepare and train students for a team-work and to execute the plans and projects, and render their duties efficiently. This aims to improve them and their way of thinking so that these skills become a lifestyle and a pattern of practice, constructively interacting with other sections of society.

- To work persistently to achieve the desired objectives of the college in all sincerity and dedication, taking into consideration the practicability of these objectives and the ability to optimize the utilization of human and material resources.