College of Applied Medical Sciences, Female Students, Participates in National Campaign for Breast Cancer

The College of Applied Medical Sciences participated in the National Campaign for Breast Cancer, the most common type of cancers and the main cause of deaths among females worldwide; this is due to the lack of awareness on this disease and its treatment options. Therefore, Breast Cancer Campaign is an attempt to raise the awareness and reduce the breast cancer rates through early diagnosis of symptoms and treatment. It is, thus, our role as individuals and whole community to help increase the knowledge of patients on this disease. The College of Applied Medical Sciences presented, in its pavilion, a program called “For You, Zahra”, which aims at increasing women awareness of breast cancer and supporting them psychologically and financially through Zahra Association’s sales returns. In the pavilion, the visitors were given some cases of recovery from this disease and were urged to help in spreading more awareness on it.

Last modified
Tuesday, 27/October/2015