Final Exam Instructions


Final Exam Instructions

- Attend before the test start to stop at the visual screening points.

- Student entry and exit must be through the main gates of the college building only.

- Bring your university card to enter the examination hall.

- Bring a mask and wear it all the time

- Students are allowed to bring their own sterilizers and water bottles to the examination halls.

- Bring your stationery (pens, calculator, etc.); you can't share your stationery with others

•You are not allowed to bring any papers or books to the examination halls.

- Adhere to the directives of supervisors and invigilators in the examination hall.

- You are not allowed to use electronic devices during the test, such as mobile phones and electronic watches.

Students are not allowed to gather outside the examination halls.

Last modified
Monday, 27/December/2021