There are two criteria for admission at the University of Majmaah:

The first criterion: The grade point average (GPA) for scientific departments:


The GPA is calculated as follows: 30% of the high school cumulative average + 30% of the assessment test score +40% of the educational test score.

Admission is approved according to this criterion for applicants applying to scientific departments at the University.

Students can calculate their grade point average (GPA) as follows: the high school cumulative average high x 0.30 + assessment test score x 0.30 + educational test score x 0.40 Example of calculating the grade point average (GPA): If the student’s high school cumulative average is = 80.00 and the assessment test score is = 70 and the educational test score is = 60, it is calculated as follows: 80 * 0.30 = (24) + 70 * 0.30 = (21) + 60 * 0.40 = (24) 24 + 21 + 24 = (69).


The second criterion: The grade point ratio (GPR) for arts departments:

50% of the high school cumulative average + 50% of the assessment test score.

Admission is approved according to this criterion for applicants applying to arts departments at the University.

Students can calculate their grade point ratio (GPR) as follows: the high school cumulative average high x 0.50 + assessment test score x 0.50. Example of calculating the grade point ratio (GPR): If the student’s high school cumulative average is = 80.00 and the assessment test score is = 70, it is calculated as follows: 80 * 0.50 = (40) + 70 * 0.50 = (35) 35 + 40 = (75).