Admission Requirements at Al-Majmaah University

شروط القبول بجامعة المجمعة




A In order to accept a new student at Al-Majmmah University he should have the following requirements:

1- He holds a high school diploma or its equivalent from inside the kingdom or outside

2- He should have received his high school diploma or its equivalent since five years or less

3- He must succeed any test/ interview appointed by the university

4- He must be of good conduct

5- He must get a study approval in case he works for a governmental or private hand

6- He must be medically fit

7- He should meet any other conditions specified by the University Council

8- He should not be expelled from another university for disciplinary or educational reasons

9- It is not permitted to accept people obtaining a Bachelor degree

10- It is not permitted to accept students enrolled in another university degree to get another Bachelor degree from the same university or another.