A team from Department of Computer Sciences and Information Makes a Visit to King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology

A team from Department of Computer Sciences and Information, Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi paid a visit to King AbdulAziz for Science and Technology in Riyadh. The visit started at 11:00 am, and the team of public relations in the city received the visiting the team, and the visit lasted for two hours. The team started with the the national center for robot and smart systems that aim to establish a research environment in the field of robot and smart systems by running research projects in relation. The team knew the types of robots available in the center that are: first type: Medical Robot, Second type: space robot, third type: industrial robot, forth type: security robot, fifth type: robot for fires, sixth type: educational robot, and seventh type: robot of disabled-people smart chair. The importance of incorporating robot in the faculty scientific activities is: to enrich knowledge of robot and smart systems; prepare students to to participate in the international contest of robots; a nucleus to establish research projects based on more complicated systems from system vex; organizing courses for those interested in in robot projects and smart systems; and establish a scientific and research environment in the area of robot and smart systems. Then, the team moved on to the national center of applied mathematics and computer. They were received by the center director Dr. Tareq Abu Dawood. He did a presentation on the center activities that center on the work of research groups in several subjects related to computer and applied mathematics. They knew Sanam project that aims to اهلا- transform technology in the field of high-performance computers in cooperation with Frankfort Institute for advanced studies (FIAS) in Qootah in Germany through cooperative work in order to establish a compute of high performance to become one of the fastest 500 computers worldwide. Also, the visiting team knew the national program available that aims to educate people; provide and facilitate the varied activities related to free and open programs such as upgrading and supporting these programs, establishing resources with open sources, establishing a digital library depends on the idea of open content and open access, supporting scientific research in the field of free programs and open sources. Through this project, a number of educational and training activities could be executed for the sake of introducing the local society to open programs and their features. Also, the center develops and establishes a number of systems and databases pertaining to spoken Arabic language such as systems of electronically identifying speech and Arabic-speaking automated system. In the field of databases, the institute established Arabic acoustic database to be the base for research projects and several acoustic studies. Moreover, the center develops a number of systems and establish a number of databases that serve the automatic treatment of Arabic language. From the presentation that was presented by Dr. Tarek Abu Dawood and in the presence of Dr. Turkey Aloteibi, some fields of research priority in the center were clarified that are as follows: treating natural language, particularly taking care of Arabic language, software engineering, biological information, biomedical engineering, cloud computing, and recommendation systems. At the end of the visit, the visiting team expressed thanks to the administration of public relations in King Abdulaziz City for their great hospitality.




Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020