Discussing Graduation Projects for Department of Mathematics

Department of Mathematic in Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi held some sessions to discuss student graduation projects under the sponsorship and presence of his excellency the Faculty Dean Dr. Mohammad Saleh Aloboudi, and follow-u and supervision of his excellency the Head of Department of Mathematics Prof. Dr. Adel Zaki. The meeting was opened by his excellency the head of the department welcoming everyone and thanking his excellency the dean of the faculty for sponsoring and supporting all the faculty activities, specifically the student graduation projects as they are the fruit of their hard work. After that, the students presented their projects, and they were discussed by the committee of projects discussion in the department. They focused on some points, and most importantly what was discussed with the academic advisor, per cent of accomplishment, student’s work, research requirements, and some obstacles if they are any. Then, the sponsor of the meeting his Excellency the Dean of Faculty of Sciences delivered a speech in which he commended on the excellent level the Department of Mathematics has achieved. He also urges the teaching staff to involve students in their scientific research, and he clarified this in crystalizing what the students have acquired of knowledge and skills that will contribute to preparing excellent cadres and scientifically and practically qualified for the labor market.








Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020