“Highlights of the Conference of Academic Advising in Higher Education of the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Reality and Hope”

As part of the activities of the college’s Department of Student Affairs, represented by the Unit of Academic Advising and Student Rights, the College of Science in Zulfi held a presentation titled “Highlights of the Conference of Academic Advising in Higher Education of the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Reality and Hope.” The presentation- given by the Head of the Unit of Academic Advising and Student Rights Dr. Yousri Azzam- was attended by Dr. Muhammad Al-Aboudi, Dean of the College of Science, Dr. Ziad Al-Hussein, Vice-dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Wael Al-Triki, Vice-dean for Academic Affairs as well as heads of departments and faculty members. Dr. Ziad Al-Hussein welcomed the audience, and then spoke about the importance of this presentation and the significant role of the faculty member toward his students. Afterward, the College Dean highlighted the significance of Academic Advising and pointed out that the University puts greater emphasis on it. Subsequently, Dr. Azzam presented a description of some of the workshops he attended during the Academic Advising Conference held in Jeddah. Also, he showed a brief presentation of some research papers put forward at the conference. Then he talked about the interest of Majmaah University in particular and Saudi and Gulf Universities in general, in the Academic Advising along with its proper implementation in line with the aspirations of international universities that the academic advising assumes a greater role in helping students not only in the academic aspect but the social and psychological aspects as well. After that, the faculty members discussed the appropriate mechanism for implementing academic advising through the D2L eLearning system or the academic advising program designed by the Computer Science Department at the College. Then there was an agreement on using the eLearning Program of the University in academic advising and submitting the advantages of the Academic Advising Program of the College to the vice-rector of the University for the purpose of integrating them in the University Program. Finally, Dr. Azzam, the presenter, expressed his appreciation to the College Dean, vice-deans as well as the audience for their attendance and participation in the presentation.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020