Plans and Study Programs Unit This unit is assigned to set and implement study plans at the college and scientific departments. It also carries out processes of evaluation, development, supervision and follow-up of plans and study programs for better outcomes. Timetable and Exam Unit This unit is assigned to set timetable and follow-up the distribution of teaching load to faculty members and alike. It also organizes and documents exam procedures and evaluate students’ level. e-Learning Unit This unit is assigned to supervise the flow of work at the college’s labs and e-learning halls. It also implements accredited policies and programs in the fields of e-learning and educational services to achieve their set goals. Labs and Facilities Unit This unit is assigned to follow-up the provision of appropriate education facilities and ensure they are properly utilized in educational and learning process, follow-up the development of educational facilities and keep labs up to date. Student Support Unit This unit is assigned to provide services related to registration and add/drop courses. It also ensures academic advising is provided to maintain a successful academic progress.