

Department of Physics


About the Department:
- Department of Physics was founded with the establishment of the College of Science in Zulfi in 1427 (2006) as one of the four departments of the College (mathematics, physics, medical laboratories, computer). Department started its first year with eight students, were the number of students was growing gradually at a rate of 15 students each year until it reached 83 students in the academic year 1431-1432 AH.
- The Department of Physics teaches physics courses and gives its graduates Bachelor of Science degree in physics after the student passes the 136 study units successfully according to the new academic plan of the department that have been followed since the academic year 1429-1430 AH.


learning skills in physics:
Physics Department  aspires of achieving the scientific pioneering in the fields of physics, and for the graduate to have a great deal of responsibility and high skills in learning, in order to achieve the overall objectives of the university, and rides the waves of scientific  and cultural development that are being created by the university at the present time. The graduate is expected to be a competitor to his peers in the scientific world if it gains the skills necessary to overcome the educational problems that may be encountered. We can therefore limit these skills into:


1 - Physical skills include: First, the gathering of information for each course from several sources such as the textbook, scientific references, the Internet in addition to the teacher. Second, the development of intellectual skills (Cognitive skills) and that by learning how to think in, understanding and simulating physical phenomena. In addition to, learning how to address the physical issues and problems through the use of appropriate mathematical tools to describe physical phenomena.

2 - Personal skills and responsibility: development of students’ personal skills is done by:
A) Encourage the practice of searching the Internet and in the library.
B) Learn how to collect scientific material related to the academic courses.
C) The use of laboratory experiments and computer modeling to simulate the practical aspects of science material.
D) Attend the scientific and public seminars and lectures.
C) Encourage visits to research and industrial institutions that is related to the students’ specialization to experience the practical reality in the society.

3 - Communication skills with the student and all of his colleagues and the professor and the community

4 - The skills of information technology (IT): This is achieved through research on the information network and the use of computers for writing reports, drawings and calculations. In addition to, learning programming languages and various computer programs which are going deeper in depth according to the level of the student.
5 - Numerical skills (Numerical skills): these skills acquired through problem solving and analysis of numerical output, and the ability to estimate the approximate numbers in terms of its numerical value, and the ability to use statistical and analytical software.
6 - English: the development of this skill is made through the study of intensive English language courses in the first year in addition to the adoption of books written in English and urge the students to write reports, projects, research and lecturing (Seminars and presentations) in English.




Leading education and scientific research in Physics to build the Knowledge of Society.


TProviding a unique education and scientific research, to serve the community in building knowledge and skills in physics through conducive environment for learning, scientific research and society partnership.


  1. Conduct and develop distinct academic programs.

  2. Attract a world-class and diverse faculty members 

  3. Encourage the excellence of scientific research in Physics 

  4. Partnership with peers at regional and international universities.

  5. Provide the community with highly qualified competents. 

  6. Core Values:
           A.     Workmanship and the Secretariat            B.     Teamwork            C.      Innovation and Seeking Development