Importance of Academic Advisor in Education

Importance of Academic Advisor in Education

Student Support Unit in cooperation with the Department of Mathematics Date: Sunday 27/6/1438 Place: College Auditorium Target group: Faculty members Objectives 1- Defining the characteristics of the Advisor. 2- Determining the tasks of the academic advisor. 3- Explaining how to follow the students academically through the portal. In an attempt to activate the Student Support Unit program and out of interest in academic advisors and their role in the success of the educational process, Dr. Omaima Said presented a workshop entitled "The Importance of Academic Supervisor in Education”. She talked about the importance of concentrating on the student as the focus of the educational process through which the success of academic programs in achieving their objectives is measured. Furthermore, she explained the necessary qualities of the academic advisor that lead to better academic counseling, particularly the characteristics that help influencing others and gaining their confidence. Finally, she pointed out the available ways of following up students through the Academic Portal.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020