Human Brotherhood in Quran Stories

The Unit held an activity entitled “Human Brotherhood in Quran Stories”
Goals of the activity:
Explain the concept of brotherhood in dictionary and language
Rights of brotherhood in Islam
Etiquette of brotherhood in Islam.
The meaning of brother in Arabic poem
Examples of stories from Quran
Content of the course:
The term brotherhood was mentioned in the Quran in different ways, some of which include stories about brotherhood and its impact on emotion; others, the provisions of inheritance.
Examples of brotherhood stories in the Quran
Many verses in the Quran talk about the emotions of brotherhood and their impact on souls. The Prophet Joseph – peace be upon him – accommodated his brother Benyamin. Allah said “ And when they entered upon Joseph, he took his (blood) brother to himself. He said: “I am indeed your brother, therefore do not grieve at what they do.” (Joseph, 69).
Another example of the strong bond between brothers is highlighted in the story of Mousa and Haroon, whose brotherhood is set as an ideal example of real love and friendship. Allah said “And We had certainly given Moses the Scripture and appointed with him his brother Aaron as an assistant” (Furqan, 35)
And also said “ "My Lord, indeed I do not possess except myself and my brother, so part us from the defiantly disobedient people." (Ma’adidah, 25)
The following conclusions can be learned:
1. Assertion of the Quran for the concept of Islamic brotherhood in its general meaning: brotherhood is not only based on parentage but in religion and faith. Islam, thus, has set out a broad definition of brotherhood that modern theories have used under what is called “humanitarian relationships”
2. The benefit of Islamic brotherhood as it helps individuals to stick to each other to avoid mischief.
3. The benefit of Islamic brotherhood for both individual and community.

Last modified
Wednesday, 22/January/2020