Emotional Intelligence and Anger Management Course

Activity: Emotional Intelligence and Anger Management
Target group: Female students
Objectives of the activity: The course aims at:
• Defining Emotional Intelligence
• Identifying the dimensions of emotional intelligence
• Explaining the characteristics of the emotionally intelligent person
• Training students on the development of emotional intelligence

Activity content: The course included:
• Explaining emotional intelligence
• Clarifying the reasons that led to the emergence of this concept
• Explaining the dimensions of emotional intelligence
• Self-awareness
• Management of emotions
• self-motivation
• Sympathy
• social skills

the session outlined the characteristics of the people with high EQ as follows:
• They understand themselves, their strengths and weaknesses.
• They adapt to new social conditions easily.
• They can deal with external stress.
• They plan and meditate.

Then the lecturer pointed out the steps for developing emotional intelligence:
• Observe your feelings and thoughts and train yourself well on reading your thoughts and feeling.
• Explain your attitudes to others more rationally.
• Do not make hasty decisions that you may regret afterward.
• Direct your thinking, feelings, and reactions in the right direction.
• Train yourself on achieving your short and long term goals.
• Stop the negative talk about yourself.
• Think positively about your life and your behavior.
• Think about the different results after following the aforementioned advice.
• Contemplate the reactions of others toward you after practicing these techniques. This meditation encourages you to practice emotional intelligence even more.
• Celebrate your new view of life, your ability to control yourself with your new skills.
• Learn from mistakes without blaming yourself or falling into a negative self-blame mood.

Last modified
Wednesday, 11/July/2018