“Ethaad Forum”


  The Department of Arabic Language organized a seminar entitled “Ethaad Forum” on Saturday and Sunday 4-5 / 5/1434.  A festival exhibition was also inaugurated by HE the College Dean Dr. Abdullah bin Khalifa Suwaiket and Head of Department Dr. Fahad Bin Saleh Al-Melhem, with the participation of the college faculty members, which was appreciated by the attendees.   

On Sunday, 05/05/1434 AH festivities began with the female section where some verses from the Holy Quran were recited before a brief speech on behalf of the Arabic language department was delivered by Dr. Abir Abdessadek, followed by an introduction on the origins of the Arabic language given by Dr. Tharwet Abed Tawelbe, in addition to P. Neciba Suleimen’s brief participation about a few Arabic terms.

This was followed by schools’ participation where the Eleventh School offered a creative participation. Then, the student Hind Sweden read a poem about the Arabic language Esthetics;  the student Bashayer Alathawihi described the link between the Arabic Language and the Quran. After that came the Eighth High School’s turn which highlighted the Arabic language esthetics and said that it was a language without childhood nor aging; and as Ibn Taymiyah, God Bless his soul, said: the Arab language was the slogan of Islam and its people, and languages ​​were the greatest symbols of Islam and nations by which they are  distinguished. Hence the Alkaa Primary School’s participation came up.

In the end, we have to say that our language is calling upon us and blaming us in the words of the poet Hafez Ibrahim, saying:

Be Careful when I die or I decay....And from you, if medicine is scarce, my consoling

                  Don’t leave to time because ............... ....I Fear for you when I die                      

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020