Signing 5 scientific Memos with International Universities

The University of Majmaah, based on the directions of His Highness the Rector Dr. Khalid Al-Mogren, and represented by the international cooperation department for the academic year 1432 H, signed five scientific memos with several international universities as following:

-          One year memo was signed with a university in Japan to exchange in the field academia and knowledge.

-          Three years was signed with Monash University to cooperate academically in publishing journals in the mutual fields as well as exchanging academic outcomes for the two universities. Conducting workshops and exchanging visits.

-          Five years memo was signed with Maastricht University included: cooperation in academic fields like quality and development regarding medical college in majmaa as well as exchanging academic experience from both universities.

-          A one year memo was signed with The University of Melbourne included cooperation in future academic field to enrich the two universities beside encouraging mutual publishing as well as exchanging students.

-          Five years memo was signed with Dalhousie University in Canada to cooperate academically in the field of quality and academic accreditation regarding college of medicine in Majmaah as well as exchanging academic outcomes from both universities. 

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020