Deanship of Community Service Discussing the Mechanism of Transferring Bridging Admission Programs to the Admission and Registration Deanship at the University





The  Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education held a meeting on Tuesday, 30/04/1434 AH at the Conference Room at the Deanship headquarters to discuss the mechanism of how to copy the bridging admission and registration programs from the Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education to the Admissions and Registration Deanship. This took place in the presence of the deans concerned, the Dean of Admissions and the Dean of Admission and Registration.  The meeting discussed the mechanism of how to transfer admission and registration tasks to the Admissions and Registration Deanship. It also discussed the necessary procedures to do that within a specific span of time in order to guarantee a start on time as well as the necessary preparations to be able to announce the new mechanism in the Admission and Registration deanship. This came to implement recommendations from the Vice-President for Academic Affairs in this regard. The meeting was concluded at eleven and a half with a summary of the most important directives.

Last modified
Saturday, 30/March/2013