Information and data in our world becomes indispensable for making decisions at academic and administrative levels due to the massive revolution in the field of information and technology. Therefore, the deputyship for graduate studies and scientific research attempted to establish a database that includes the achievements and works of the deanships, administrations and units attached to the deputyship over the last five years. The database shall be updated on regular basis to meet the requirements of the administration of the university. To achieve this aim, the Statistics and Reports Unit was launched which is attached to the deputyship. The Statistics and Reports Unit is a technical and academic unit which aims at providing and organizing all the data and information about the activities and the achievement of the deputyship of graduate studies and scientific research. The unit collects all the information and data from the deanships, administrations and units attached to the deputyship and then draw them in tables and graphic forms. Then statistical analysis is carried out to extract statistical indicators that are used by decision-makers at the university.
Supervisor of the Unit/
Prof. Mahmood Sayed Murad