Seventh Category: Best Authored and Translated Book Award

Seventh Category: Best Authored and Translated Book Award
Overview: Best Authored and Translated Book Award: This award is granted to the best authored or translated book
1. authored book should be in one of the theoretical aspects of sharia, linguistics, literature, science, health, engineering and humanities.
2. authored book should serve the strategic plan of the university and all areas of development in Saudi Arabia
3. authored book should not contain any idea or theory that violate Islamic thought.
4. any form of scientific dishonesty or infringement of intellectual property will not be accepted.
5. Candidates should not submit more than authored book to the award
6. Candidates should have been working at MU minimally 2 years before being eligible to participate in the award
7. Authored book should state clearly that the author is working at MU
Target audience:
MU Staff
How to apply:
Please visit the following link:
Application deadline: Thursday 30/06/1440 AH correspondence 7/3/2019