Overview: This award is granted to the researcher who carries out original academic works.
First: Scientific Research :
1. Excellent research works
2. Funded research projects
Second: Teaching:
3. Excellent teaching skills
4. Contributions in graduate studies
Third: Serving the university :
5. Leadership positions at the university
6. Initiatives, projects and programs in the university
7. leadership or membership of councils and standing committees.
Fourth: Contributions outside the scope of the university
8. Leadership or membership of scientific professional association and journals
9. Leadership or membership of academic councils & national committees and commissions.
10. Initiatives and Contributions at national level.
11. Community awareness
12. leading non-profit sector
1. Publish peer-reviewed scientific research (at least 25 papers) in ranked journals according to Clarivate Analytics database; published books for scientific health fields; and (20) published research and books for humanities.
2. Candidate’s minimum period of working at the university should be (5) years
3. Eligible candidate, who met all requirements, can apply via the website and shall bear the responsibility of provided information and documents.
4. Current and Retired staff are eligible to apply for the award
Target audience:
MU Staff
How to apply:
Please visit the following link: http://cutt.us/mu-sa
Application deadline: Thursday 30/06/1440 AH correspondence 7/3/2019