Systems developed by Software Development Unit

The Software Development Unit (SDU) is responsible of applying information technology in developing regularly the deanship’s activities. More precisely, SDU automats the administrative procedures by building and creating software and applications. The SDU also collects and retain all statistical data and information of the university staff and provide them to officials and researchers. These are some of the software developed and/or managed by the unit: 1. E-services 2. University Housing System 3. Operation and Maintenance System 4. URL Shortening System 5. Attendance System ‘Hadir’ 6. University Security System 7. Safety and Occupational Health System 8. Technical Support System 9. Blood Bank System 10. University Transportation System 11. IP Phone System 12. Vehicle Management System 13. System of Deanship of Quality and Development’s Courses 14. System of Institute of Public Administration’s Courses 15. System of e-Learning and Distance Education’s Courses 16. MU Award for Creativity and Entrepreneurship 17. MU Award for Scientific Research 18. MU Award for Scholarship-Students 19. Recruitment System 20. Graduate Studies Portal 21. Admission and Registration System for Deanship of Community Service 22. E-Forms 23. News Correspondence Center System 24. Promotion System 25. ‘Rabit’ System