Unit of Quality and Accreditation Visits College of Science and a Humanities in Rumaah

As part of the University's interest to obtain academic accreditation programs and set relevant standards, a cadre of academics in the committee visited the College of Science and a Humanities in Rumaah to follow-up on the accreditation progress. The Vice-Dean for Development and Quality, Dr. Salah Alfarwan, recieved the committee and led them on the first day of visit to meet the College heads. The committee also had a field trip to the campus, study rooms, labs and college facilities. Then, they investigated the general documents of the college, such as the strategic plan, quality enhancement plan and guide books. They also examined the standards of self-evaluation for the courses, descriptions of some courses and reports. The committee members visited then the 3 Departments in College and met the faculty members to discuss self-study programs and conducted procedures  to adhere quality standards. On the second day of visit, a meeting was held to explain the procedures of quality and accreditation application on different programs . The committee members attend different lectures before meeting a sample of students from the three Departments. Moreover, they met some staff members to discuss topics relevant to Quality. On the visit, the committee met the Dean Bandar Alyehya and his Vice deans. The committee members were pleased with this visit  and the good reception by College Dean and College affiliates. 

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020