Celebration of the International Women’s Day

The college of Science and Humanities in Rumah organized a celebration of the International Women’s Day (IWD) on Wednesday 29/ 04/1436 under the auspices of the Deputy Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Safia Muhammad Al-Shahrani. The celebration was conducted by Ms. Labiba Al-Enezi, Deputy of Student Affairs, Ms. Al Hanouf Al-Rumih, Assistant-Deputy of Student Affairs, Ms. Al-Jawhara Al-Sebaie, Director of Student Advising in addition to employees at Student Activity and Academic Counselling Programs Ms. Basha Al-Sebie, Ms. Nourah Al-Sebie and Ms. Wafaa Al-Nassar. Events started with a tour to a section made for showing women achievements and another section entitled “No to Violence against Women”. Ms. Zizi Mashali delivered a lecture entitled “You can” where she took a closer look at the psychological view of the woman and her role in Islam. Then Ms. Nourah Al-Madi, an inspirational speaker hosted by the college, talked about her personal experience as a child who suffered from learning difficulties. However, she insisted on developing herself further and pushing herself to the limits until she has become an inspirational speaker in 4 languages. She told the students attending the events that “there is nothing impossible in life as long as one has the proper determination and trust of Allah.” She then thanked the audience and hosts for their welcoming reception and hospitality.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020