Deanship of Student Affairs Concludes University Tournament Championship for Football for the Academic Year 1433/1434


Under the auspices of Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Hamad Abdullah Alghemeizi, management of sporting activities in Deanship of Students Affairs in Almajmaah University concluded University tournament for football on Tuesday 13/1/1434 on the Alzulfi stadium playground in Alzulfi. This tournament lasted for almost two months which were full of competition and enthusiasm where university colleges competed for winning the tournament Cup. However, in the end, it went to the strongest team that is College of Education as it is one of the strongest team participated in the tournament.
It was obvious from the very beginning as there was a kind of harmony among the team players and great enthusiasm. We should not ignore the other teams since all of them in this year's tournament are high-level and full of competition spirit.
His Excellency Dean of Student Affairs the sponsor of the tournament Dr. Alghemeizi conferred honor, at the conclusion the tournament, upon success partners who collaborated with Deanship in hosting the tournament matches, and they are: Technical College in Alzulfi, Alzulfi Club in Alzulfi, Alhamada Club in Alghat, and Ietimad Club in Rawdat Sudair. Also, his Excellency honored final matches' referees who are: Mr. Khalaf AlSugair, Mr. Nayef Almarikhi, Mr. Abdul Rahman Alghanem, Mr. Yasser       Al-Tuwaijri and Mr. Mohamed Al Maraikhi.
Afterwards, the sponsor of the final match  conferred honor upon distinguished players in the tournament. The footballer Ayed Al Shammari (goalkeeper of Faculty of Business Administration) received the award for the best goalkeeper. The footballer of Faculty of Engineering Nashi Almashqour received the award for the best player. Also, footballer of Faculty of Business Administration Bander Alammar received the award for the tournament top scorer.   
Afterwards, Faculty of Sciences footballers received their bronze medals for getting the third position. Then, College of Business Administration footballers received their silver medals for getting the second position. Finlly, champions of the tournament College of Education footballers received their golden medals and the tournament Cup for getting the first position to become the first team to win the championship two years respectively.
The final was attended by deans and honored colleges vice deans in the final, his Excellency deanship Vice Dean for sporting activities Mr. Khalid Alafaisan and members of the management of sporting activities.
His Excellency the supervisor of sporting activities Mr. Nasser Alhanou strongly praised the high competition in the tournament activities and the great extent of cooperation between the organizing committee and the Trustees of students activity that had an impact on the success of the tournament. Mr. Alhanou offered thanks to Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Hamad Alghemeizi for his continuous follow-up and support for all sporting activities.
At the conclusion of the tournament, Dr. Alghemeizi offered thanks and acknowledgement, on behalf of Deanship of Student Affairs, colleges and university students and the great audience who attended the final match; to the Rector of Almajmaah University Dr. Khaled Saad al-Muqrin for wise guidance and constant keenness to provide best programs and the best services for university students.



Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020