A Workshop entitled “Soft Skills – Kefayat”

In collaboration with the Vice-Dean’s Office for Quality and the Department of Business Administration at the College of Science and Humanities in Remah, a workshop entitled “Soft Skills – Kefayat” was presented by Dr. Atef Mabrouk, Head of Quality Assurance, and Dr. Basheer Al-Reqad, Head of Evaluation Unit.
Attended by the dean, vice-deans, heads of departments and faculty members, the course addressed the following themes:
1. Definition of the concept ‘Kefayat’, competence and to what extent students have them.
2. Activities of the National Center for Assessment with regard to soft skills
3. ‘Kefayat’ and their compatibility with both job market and entrepreneurship
4. Steps of carrying out soft skills project
5. General Framework for developing educational outcomes (knowledge – skills – competencies)
6. Integrate soft skills in learning outcomes
7. Strategies of acquiring soft skills and means of measuring them as well as the role of extracurricular activities to improve them
8. Ensure soft skills level is measured among students by the Central Assessment Unit.
9. Activities and ideas of strategies for presenting the skills and how to measure them

Last modified
Monday, 22/July/2019