Frequently Asked Questions
What is the e-learning management system?
The university has adopted an e-learning system called JUSUR to serve all the requirements of e-learning where each student can access the system to see details of the courses, all requirements, assignments, duties ,project work and dates of tests. In addition to that, this system would enable the faculty members to access to establish tutorial discussion forum for the courses , raise the course files and participating virtual classroom session. For further details , pls click here:
Does the university provide a program in distance learning to offer degree (Bachelor - Master)?
Yet, e-learning system is not available currently. The Deanship will announce for the study based on distance learning system in the coming period, INSHAALLAH!
When would preparatory courses based on smart phone and platform be launched?
Deanship currently aims to implement e-learning system associated with the regular study, for this to be done, the deanship is managing the component of the courses by forming stake holders team to develop a product line that helps to build the course in one semester. INSHAALAH!
Is it possible to attend the courses of e-learning deanship from outside the university?
It is possible to attend these courses provided with an official reference letter from the place of work (the employer), and preferably two weeks prior to the implementation of the course. Course attendance certificate will be given at the end of the course.
Can I be a partner trainer in e-learning program?
The Deanship welcomes any initiative, whether at the level of cooperation in the field of e-learning training and research by visiting the Office of the Deanship at the University building (Al-Yahya) the second Floor - Tel 064041608
How can I serve to display scientific material for the channel?
Pay a Visit to the station,Mr. Abdul Ilah Mutairi, director of the educational channel.