Official Statement


On behalf of myself and employees of the University I would like to welcome you on the University online portal. It is well known to you that the higher education institutions are considered beacons of science and knowledge and they are our gate to the world of research and development and they are also one of many signs of the concern paying by the government to its citizens whereas the government, leading by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and  his Crown Prince, has exerted every possible efforts and support to provide education and knowledge to the sons and daughters of this country. Therefore, royal directives were issued to all senior government officials in order for them to overcome every obstacles and difficulties that may face the educational and knowledge process. 
We are all full of hope that Al Majmaa University will be one of the beacons of science and lightening centers which graduate male and female students empowered with science and knowledge and capable of participating in building and upgrading the society in all aspects of life. The University achievement, thanks to the Almighty Allah, could have not been achieved without cooperation and efforts of the good and generous sons of this country who realized the importance of education in the nations' process towards progress, development and welfare.           
The decision to establish the University came to reflect the significance the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz is paying to the education process in our blessed country and as a compassionate fatherly consideration for his sons and daughters in our province. Accordingly, the approval was granted to construct the university city in Al Majmaa Province and colleges buildings in other provinces and equipping them with all technical  and human resources in confirmation of our government concern to do whatever may help overcoming problems and obstacles facing the students and hinder them from pursuing their education.

With my best regards

University Rector
  Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al Meqrin