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كلية التمريض تشارك في معرض التوعية الصحية بالتزامن مع اليوم العالمي للسكري

The College of Nursing at Majmaah University participated in the exhibition organized by the Social Development Center in Rawdat Sudair on the World Diabetes Day to promote health awareness. The exhibition was held in the Panda Complex vicinity in Hawtah Sudair.

كلية التمريض تستقبل مجموعة من طالبات المرحلة الثانوية بمجمع عودة سدير

The College of Nursing welcomed 49 high school students at the Awda Sudair Complex to introduce the students to the college facilities and the nursing profession in Hawtah Sudair. The visit featured a tour to the classrooms and laboratories to explain the tools and techniques used in practic

وحدة التطوع وخدمة المجتمع بكلية التمريض تُنظم مبادرة “المسعف الصغير”

The Volunteer and Community Service Unit at the College of Nursing organized an initiative titled “Little Paramedic” the Kindergarten school of the university to teach children the basics of first aid in an interactive and simplified manner. Dr.

الإدارة العامة للصحة المهنية والبيئة بالتعاون مع كلية التمريض تقيم دورة توعوية حول آلية التعامل مع نفايات الرعاية الصحية

The College of Nursing hosted an awareness course entitled (Mechanism for Separating, Collecting and Transporting Medical Waste), which was held by the General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment.The course was presented by Mr.

جامعة المجمعة ممثلةً بكلية التمريض توقع مذكرة تفاهم مع الجمعية السعودية للتمريض المهني

Majmaah University, represented by the College of Nursing, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Saudi Professional Nursing Association to enhance cooperation in the fields of nursing and developing scientific and volunteer programs.

كلية التمريض تقيم مبادرةً توعويةً بعنوان "اسبقي بخطوة"

The College of Nursing - represented by the Volunteer and Community Service Unit - held a health awareness initiative entitled: "Be One Step Ahead", at the College of Education in Majmaah to raise students and local community girls' awareness of breast cancer.

كلية التمريض تشارك في فعالية اليوم العالمي للصحة النفسية

The Student Club at the College of Nursing participated in the World Mental Health Day which was organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs on Thursday. The event aims to boost students' awareness of the importance of mental health.

كلية التمريض تنظم برنامجًا توعويًا عن سرطان الثدي

The College's Club at female campus organized an awareness program entitled "Be One Step Ahead" to raise the college's students' awareness of breast cancer and the importance of early detection and methods of prevention.Several activities were held including an educational awareness screen that…

كلية التمريض تقيم مبادرةً توعويةً عن مرض الأنيميا المنجلية

The College of Nursing, represented by the Volunteer and Community Service Unit, held an awareness campaign about sickle cell anemia at an elementary school in Majmaah. A lecture was delivered about sickle cell anemia by Dr.

عميد كلية التمريض تستقبل مدير عام الإدارة العامة للمكتبات ومصادر المعرفة بالجامعة

The Dean of the College of Nursing, Dr. Ashwaq Asiri, welcomed the director of the General Administration of Libraries and Knowledge Resources, Dr. Sultana Al-Misnad, at the college's library.

كلية التمريض تستقبل طالبات كلية العمارة والتصميم الداخلي بالجامعة

On Thursday the College of Nursing welcomed students from the College of Engineering, Department of Architecture and Interior Design, MU. The students: Ms.

كلية التمريض تنظم دورة تدريبية بعنوان “التخطيط الاستراتيجي لصناعة المستقبل ومواجهة التحديات”

The College of Nursing, represented by the Special Services Unit, organized a training course entitled "Strategic Planning for Devicing the Future and Facing Challenges" on Wednesday. The course was presented by Dr.

كلية التمريض تنظم حملة التطعيم ضد الإنفلونزا الموسمية

On Tuesday the seasonal influenza vaccination campaign was launched at the College of Nursing, under the patronage of the Head of Hawtat Sudair Center, Mr. Fahd Al-Zakri, and with the participation of Hawtat Sudair Hospital and the Health Centers Group in the Sudair region.

كلية التمريض تنظم برنامجًا توعويًا عن مرض الزهايمر

The College of Nursing, represented by the Volunteer and Community Service Unit, organized an awareness program on Alzheimer's disease on the World Alzheimer's Month.

كلية التمريض تنظم فعالية اليوم العالمي للقلب

Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Nursing, Dr. Ashwaq Asiri, the Volunteer and Community Service Unit in cooperation with the Special Services Unit organized an event in conjunction with the World Heart Day.

كلية التمريض تقيم فعالية بمناسبة اليوم الوطني السعودي 94

Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Nursing, Dr. Ashwaq Asiri, the Student Activities Unit and the Student Club held, in cooperation with the college units and with the support of the Student Fund, an event on the 94th Saudi National Day under the slogan (We Dream and Achieve).

كلية التمريض تقيم مبادرة بعنوان "لحظات تهب عمراً لمن تحب"

The College of Nursing, represented by the Volunteer and Community Service Unit, held an initiative in the elementary grade at Ruwad University Schools.

كلية التمريض تشارك في فعاليات الاحتفاء باليوم الوطني الـ94 بمنتزه الملك سلمان بحوطة سدير

The College of Nursing celebrated the 94th National Day by participating in the celebration organized by the Hawtat Sudair Municipality at King Salman Park, in the presence of the Head of Hawtat Sudair Center, Mr. Fahd Al-Zakri and the Dean of the College, Dr. Ashwaq Asiri.

 مشاركة طلاب كلية التمريض في الملتقى السنوي الثاني للابتكار والإبداع 2024 للإدارة العامة للخدمات الصحية بوزارة الدفاع

A group of students from the College of Nursing - support by the Student Fund - participated in the Second Annual Forum for Innovation and Creativity 2024, which was organized by the General Administration of Health Services at the Ministry of Defense in Jeddah.

عميد الكلية تستقبل وفد مركز التنمية الاجتماعية بروضة سدير

The Dean of the College of Nursing, Dr. Ashwaq Asiri, welcomed the director of the Social Development Center in Rawdat Sudair, Eng. Abdullah Al-Sahli, and the Head of the Development Programs, Volunteering and Empowerment Unit at the center, Mr. Muhammad Al-Muqbil.