Deanship of Students Affairs Begins Disbursement of Loans and Subsidies for the Academic Year 1433/1434


As An extension to the student services provided by Deanship of Students Affairs, and since the deanship always seeks to provide excellent services to help university students to achieve advanced levels of study, Deanship of Students Affairs began to disburse loans and subsidies for university students For the academic year 1433/1434. 
Dean of Student Affairs and the Chairman of Students Fund Management Council Dr. Hamad Abdullah Alghemeizi explained that the first payment of loans and subsidies was disbursed for this academic year which benefited thirty three students as follows: -
Students who benefited from loans are eight female and male students.
Students who benefited from subsidies  are twenty seven students.
His Excellency dean of students' affairs indicated that the Social Committee for Students Fund receives loan and subsidies requests at the Deanship. To make it easier for students, loan and subsidies request application form has been put up on the deanship's website. Dr. Alghemeizi offered thanks and appreciation to the University Rector for his continuous support for the Deanship of Student Affairs, and wise directions to achieve noble targets that advance the university students to the best.
Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020