Deanship of Student Affairs Trains the University Students on the Scientific Search Mechanism

Within the plan of Deanship of Student Affairs and its preparation for the Fifth Scientific Conference for female and male higher education students, the Deanship held a workshop entitled: “ Carrying out a Scientific Research: Its Concept and Elements”. The workshop was presented by his Excellency Dr. Ahmad Aal Kheirah Assiri, a faculty member in Faculty of Education, in Almajma’ah, and held in the training hall in Deanship of Society Service and Continuous Education. Dr. Assiri spoke about the concept of research, its objectives, research methodologies and the skills of scientific research. The course was attended by a special audience and every student participated. The Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Hamad Abdullah Alghemeizi stressed that this course comes within the Deanship preparation for the Fifth Scientific Conference and to provide everything the students need of courses that develop their scientific and practical skills. Dr. Alghemeizi urged all the female and male students to participate in the activities and programs the Deanship offers as they are beneficial to their academic life and life in general. He also urged them to display their capabilities and talents through participating in the activities of the Fifth Scientific Conference. Dr. Alghemeizi expressed his thanks to Dr. Ahmad Aal Kheirah for his participation in the Deanship programs which is a good example of teaching staff participations in the Deanship programs. Also, Dr. Alghemeizi expressed thanks to the Deanship of Society Service and Continuous Education for its usual collaboration with the Deanship which is a good example of integration among the university units.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020