Deanship of Student Affairs Draws lots for the University Tournament of Football and the Deanship's Cup for Volleyball

The administration of sporting activities in Deanship of Student Affairs drew lots for the university tournament of football and the Deanship's cup for volleyball in the presence of the Deanship vice Dean for student affairs Mr. Khaled Alofeisan, the members of the Administration of Sporting Activities and all faculties secretaries in the university. His Excellency Mr. Alofeisan welcomed everybody and congratulated them on the new academic year wishing them success. His Excellency said that the Deanship of Student Affairs is so much concerned with the student sporting activities in order to give as much support as possible according to the directions of his highness the University Rector Dr. Khaled Sa'ad Almuqrin. Moreover, his Excellency the university vice President fie Educational Affairs Prof. Dr. Mohammad Othman Alrokban always does follow-ups in order to make sure all the activities are up to standards. Mr. Alofeisan also indicated that the Deanship opens its doors to everybody to overcome all the obstacles and exploits all the potentials in order for the activities to reflect a very great picture. Mr. Alofeisan extended thanks to everybody for their attendance and being active and involved in all the Deanship programs and activities. Then, his Excellency started drawing lots as he withdrew the first round. The results of the withdrawal showed that the teams are divided into three groups according to the tournament system. The groups will be playing against each other in accordance with the schedule of the tournament. Also, the withdrawal of the Deanship Cup for volleyball showed that the defeated team will leave as it is clarified in the schedule of the tournament. Prince Sultan Sporting City in Almajma'ah, Alzulfi Club in Alzulfi, Alhamada Club in Alghaat and Sadeer Club in Jalajel will be hosting the matches of football tournament. Also, Prince Salman Sporting City in Almajma'ah will be hosting the matches of the Deanship Championship for volleyball. All the matches of the tournament will be under certified referees as it was mentioned by the supervisor of the sporting and scouting activities Mr. NAser Alnaou. Mr. Alhanou offered his thanks and appreciation to his Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Hamad Abdullah Alghemeizi for his support and sound directions and constant follow-up of all the activities and programs. Also, Mr. Alhanou offered thanks to his Excellency the Deanship vice Dean for student activities Mr. Khaled Alofeisan for his considerable support and constant follow-up. He thanked all his colleagues in the administration for their constant efforts and he also extended thanks to all the success partners that provided some support and co-operation.



Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020