Deanship of Student Affairs Continues Its Meetings with the Organizers of the Fifth Scientific Conference

As the Deanship of Student Affairs is so keen for the University to take part in the Fifth Scientific Conference for the academic year 1434/1435 with an extraordinary participation and to provide all the possible ways of making this participation a success, the second meeting for the organizers of Colleges for the Fifth Scientific Conference was held and chaired by the colleges co-ordinator the vice Dean of Deanship of Student Affairs for student activities Mr. Khaled Ibrahim Alofeisanm and the dates of receiving the participations and the preparatory forum were specified. Receiving the participations from the organizers would start from Monday 13/2/1435 to Wednesday 15/2/1435. The EXHIBITION and and the preparatory forum would be held on Wed 22/2/1435 under the supervision of his Highness the University Rector. In the meeting, there was a presentation on the works the organizers have done and a number of the students participations as well as the obstacles they have come in their way through communicating with the students and putting ads inside the colleges. Mr. Khaled Alofeisan stressed that the Deanship is ready to facilitate and overcome all the obstacles the will come in the way of the organizers and the participating students whether they were materialistic or moral.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020