Research and studies

Research and studies are one of the things that determine leaders' decision as they derive their information from studies, research and reports that diagnose reality, and develop appropriate solutions to develop it and address its problems.

What is research and studies:

Research and studies are intellectual processes that work to investigate facts about a particular topic, applying accurate scientific methods and rules, in order to reach accurate information that diagnoses reality, and establish a mechanism to overcome difficulties it faces, and provide appropriate solutions or alternatives to problems that impedes the progress of development.

Scientific Research Objectives:



Scientific research and studies generally aim to find practical scientific solutions to address issues affecting individuals or institutions. In specific, we can say: Research and scientific studies aim to

• Describe a specific reality.

• Explain how a particular phenomenon occurs and its causes.

• Evaluate the reality, and determine the extent of achieving the goals.

• Refute or prove a certain fact.

How the service is provided:

This service is provided after holding several meetings between the scientific research team at the institute and the officials in the beneficiary body, to determine the size and limits of the work, determine the appropriate mechanism and the expected duration of implementation, and estimate the expected cost.

Research team:

The institute includes research teams, with the aim of improving research work. The scientific research team usually consists of:

• One or more members of the beneficiary entity as advisors.

• Specialists in the field of research with higher academic degrees.

• Professional experts in the field of research.

• statistical analyst.

• Proofreader.

Scientific research and studies are delivered according to the time plan agreed upon with the beneficiary. The research passes through review and auditing processes to ensure that they reach results that address the research problem, taking into account the reality and the capabilities available to the beneficiary.