Study Program

  1. the system of Academic Study


  3. 1The student goes through two consecutive levels during the academic semester in order to cover all necessary requirements of the preparatory year.

  4. 2The time table must be fixed and unchanged during the academic year as the students are not allowed to add or drop in once the academic year has started.

  5. 3The registration process will be automatically implemented by the deanship of admission and registration in consistency the study plan of the preparatory year.

  6.  If the student fails to pass any of the subjects that he studies during preparatory year, he/she is allowed to study the subject in the next semester. However, if the subject is considered to be a previous requirement for other subject in the next semester, the other subject will be delayed to the next semester on the condition that the duration of his 4study must not exceed three academic semesters.

  7.  The student must pass the entire courses introduced in the preparatory year during the first academic year. The failing student is allowed to study an additional semester in 5order to meet the academic requirements of the preparatory year on the condition that the duration of his study must not be over three academic semesters.


  9. The student is prohibited from sitting for the final exam due to his/her absence rate. In other words, if his/her absence rate surpasses 15% the total attendance rate of the lectures and academic lessons assigned to each course in the span of the academic year and without submitting an explanatory excuse, he / she will be banned from sitting for 6the final exam and he will be recorded as prohibited in the register of the final marks.

  10. 7The student is allowed to study the preparatory year in any of the branches of the University, if he/she receives a prior consent from the dean of the preparatory year.

  11. 8The admitted students should successfully pass the academic program of the preparatory year before being admitted to any of the available faculties in the University.

  12. 9The admission in the faculties of medicine, dentistry, applied medical science, engineering, computer science and information technology and science is made through two paths , the first is the medical healthy path( the faculties of medicine, dentistry, applied medical sciences) and the second is the engineering scientific path ( the faculties of engineering, computer sciences and information technology and science