A course for developing the entrepreneur skills in the college

Suliman Abdul Mohsen Al-Asmari - Photography of Abdul Rahman Al-Ehedab

The College of Business Administration at Majmaah University has held on the last Sunday a training course entitled "Development of the entrepreneur skills" in the training hall of Community Service and Continuing Education Deanship, and the course was presented by Mr. Abdullah Ibrahim Ben Ali in the presence of a group of trainees, where the course aims to develop the skills of trainee for private investment, and this is considered the second course that was provided by the second week for the administrative development and it is one of the programs of the student activities unit in the college of Business Administration and it has a continuous follow-up from the Dean of the College of Business Administration Dr. Faisal bin Abdullah Al-Hamoud.

أخر تعديل
السبت, 29/يونيو/2013