
Mathematics Quality


Self-Assessment Report for International Accreditation (ASIIN)

program self-study is a thorough examination of the quality of a program. The mission and objectives of the program and the extent to which they are being achieved are thoroughly analyzed according to the standards for quality assurance and accreditation defined by the ASIIN.Development of society through providing graduates, who able to compete in education, scientific research and optimum use of technology.  There is a greet Consistency between Zulfi, college of Sciences and Mathematics Program  Mission .  


NCAAA guidebooks

The Academic Quality Assurance Unit was formed in 2010/2011 oversee academic regulations, policy, programs, processes and academic quality assurance at Majmaah University. The mission and objectivesof the institution and the extent to which they are being achieved are thoroughly analyzed according to the 11 standards for quality assurance and accreditation defined by the NCAAA.For further , please refer to the NCAAA guidebooks .

 Program Self-study Report

A Self Study Report for the Institution (SSR) should be considered as a research report on the quality of the institution. It should include sufficient profile information to inform a reader about the process of investigation and the evidence on which conclusions are based to have reasonable confidence that those conclusions are sound. Conclusions should be supported by evidence, with verification of analysis and advice from others able to offer informed and independent comments.  


Key Performance Indicators

KPI refers to the key performance indicators the programs used in the SSRP and are approved by the institution (if applicable at this time).  This includes both the NCAAA suggested KPIs chosen and all additional KPIs determined by the program (including 50% of the NCAAA  suggested KPIs and all others).                                                               


NCAAA 20 Criteria

The National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment has been established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with responsibility for determining standards and criteria for academic accreditation and assessment and for accrediting post secondary institutions and the programs they offer.  The Commission is committed to a strategy of encouraging, supporting and evaluating the quality assurance processes of post secondary institutions to ensure that quality of learning and management of institutions are equivalent to the highest international standards.  These high standards and levels of achievement must be widely recognized both within the Kingdom and elsewhere in the world


Students are the principle clients of the education system and surveys of their opinions are one of the most important sources of evidence about quality in higher education. They can provide very useful  suggestions for improvement that should be considered in the quality cycle for improvement as applied  to individual courses, programs, and institutional planning                                           


Strategic Plan

The Faculty has prepared a three-year strategic plan recognizing the importance of good planning where an  analysis of the present and future trends, forecast to reach  the desired goals and identify appropriate ways and means to  achieve these objectives efficiently and effectively.



Annual Implementation Plan

 The current Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) details Zulfi College of Sciences  main areas of strategic intent. 
Annual implementation planning assists the College to:
plan and communicate our work for the coming year and how this will lead to achieving the goals and targets in the college strategic plan;
ensure efficient and effective allocation of resources to complete the work;
monitor progress and success. 

Mathematics Department Documents

Quality-related criteria constitute a crucial element in the execution of the NCAAA functions and Asiin criteria, fulfilling the dual purpose of serving as evaluative tools for the NCAAA audit and accreditation activities and setting broad benchmarks for quality management arrangements in higher education. The criteria are intended to enable Academic Programs to analyse and reflect on their quality management arrangements and to guide the production of self-evaluation reports.

This documents deal with the Asiin criteria and NCAAA standards for program accreditation and indicates the minimum standards for Mathematics program.


Annual Report College of Sciences 

Zulfi College of Sciences annual Report illustrates a sample of the immense range of research and teaching together with the exciting achievements undertaken at Zulfi College of Sciences in the past academic year.