Unit of Scientific Research

About the Unit:

This Unit encourages scientific competencies to keep pace with the rapid progress of science and technology, and pushes them towards creativity, innovation, the development of scientific research and towards addressing the local community and international issues in the field of Applied Medical Sciences .

Scientific Research Unit Tasks:

1. Coordinating with the units of the College in all relevant fields.

 2. Supporting College research activities and developing its research capacity as well.

3. Developing research strategy and plan along with its implementation mechanisms in College

4. Obtaining financial support for research from the university as well as from outside funders.

5. Coordinating with the Deanship of Scientific Research in the University, the research center in the Faculty and other research institutions for conducting research and getting some support for them.

6. Encouraging the establishment of excellent scientific chairs or excellent research centers. 7. The implementation of referred topics regarding scientific research.

8. Constantly updating the Unit's web-page at the College's site.

9. carrying out all duties assigned to it by the Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.