The University Rectirship Discusses the Agenda for Applying the Project of Occupational Safety and Health Management System at the University Laboratories and Getting (OHSAS18001) Certification

In preparation for starting the application of occupational safety and health management system at the university laboratories and under the auspices of His Excellency the Vice Rector Dr. Musallam bin Mohammed Al-Dosari and in the presence of Zulfi College of Science representatives Dr. Sulaiman Al-Saqabi and Dr. Thamer Al-Harbi and the representative of the of Applied Medical Sciences College Dr. Mohammed Al-Aidaroos and a number of faculty members from Zulfi College of Science and the College of Applied Medical Sciences, the Department of the university environment and occupational health at the Rectorship organised a meeting to view the agenda of the proposed project, which included training courses for the dissemination of occupational safety and health culture that target all employees in the laboratories of all categories, and do an assessment of the current status of the Occupational Safety and Health at the University laboratories, and rehabilitatee a number of internal auditors from the university staff to do the assessment of  applying the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health periodically to ensure continued adherence to occupational safety and health management system.

In this context, His Excellency the Vice Rector pointed out that the providing a safe campus environment is one of the university strategic plan goals, which aims to achieve an attractive and supportive campus environment of excellence, creativity and he stressed thatthe Occupational Safety and Health Management System should not be in paper forms and instructions that do not simulate the reality of the university or even do not meet the staff need in this regard.

Then Dr. Thamer Al-Harbi stated a number of observations on the laboratory facilities and the need to be addressed within the project operations, HE the Vice Rector ordered that it should be addressed as soon as possible then  submit him weekly reports on the steps taken in this regard.





Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020