Four of the University Projects Qualified for the Final Stage of Voting at the World Summit of the Information Society WSIS

Four of the university projects qualified for the final stage of voting at the World Summit of the Information Society WSIS, which are committees and councils system project, portable training and e-education project, project of the air quality system in laboratories, and project research system. In this regard, the Vice Rector, Dr. Musalam bin Mohammed Al Dosari pointed out that the World Summit on the Information Society WSIS is a global conference sponsored by the United Nations Commission about information and communication issues, and considered as a summit for world leaders who are committed to harness the full potential of the digital revolution in information technology and communications to serve humanity. This conference represents governments, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and civil society. The summit aims to build a community of information harnessing to the human, and moves towards development.

 His Excellency, the Vice Rector, also pointed out that the initial nomination for these projects has been adopted on several criteria. First of all, the seriousness in implementing the project. Also, the extent of its contribution to the activation of electronic governance and development. In addition,  the extent of their impact on the information society. He also mentioned that the final nomination for winning projects based on the principle of voting, and the vote for any project and any entity is available to anyone and from anywhere in the world, which ends on 01/05/2015. His Excellency also mentioned that the voting link will be circulated with an explanation to the voting mechanism for all employees of university during the coming days to support the nomination of university projects through easy steps to the voting process.


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020