The Deanship of Quality and Skills Development Pays a Field Visit to the College of Applied Medical Sciences


As part of activating links of communication between various units of the University,  to disseminate culture of quality and support the colleges to meet the requirements of  academic accreditation, the Deanship of Quality and Skills Development paid a  field visit to the College of Applied Medical Sciences.

 The visitors were welcomed by His Excellency Dr. Nasir Ben Ali Aljarallah, Dean of the college and Vice rectors of the college.  Dr. Nasir Aljarallah inaugurated the meeting, expressing his thanks  and welcomed his Excellency, the Vice rector for quality and academic accreditation, Mr. Abdrahman Alrubeian and his colleague , the consultants in  the deanship. He introduced them to some achievements, booklets, and prospectuses prepared by the college in the fields of quality.

He also reviewed some challenges that face the college in adhering to practical  requirements  of quality and preparing for academic accreditation. All participants  made a field tour to the different college units. Afterwards, a meeting was held with the higher committee of quality in the college chaired by the Dean of the College and the Director of quality and the heads of the departments in the college. In the meeting, the achievements of the college in previous period and future prospects have been reviewed. An open meeting was held with college faculty members.

 Mr. Abdurahman Alrubeian expressed his pleasure, and that of his colleagues, the consultants  for being in the College of Applied Medical Sciences and that the purpose of the visit was to be acquainted with the hurdles that face the college in adhering to the  practices of quality and to have a look at the distinguished activities of the college to present necessary suggestions and provide technical assistance to improve the standard of performance.

Mr. Alrubeian, together with the attendants, reviewed  the presentation prepared by the Deanship, reiterating the importance of making use of  the results of the primary assessment of the college, and the results of the project of "the readiest programs", which is regarded as the first and fundamental step towards preparation for achieving academic accreditation.  

He also pointed out to the importance of focusing, the coming period, on the suggestion for improvement presented for the deanship and the college. Afterwards, the floor was open for discussion and explanations from the faculty members, both male and female. At the end of the meeting, the Dean of the college, Dr. Aljarallah expressed his deep thanks and appreciation to the deanship of Quality and Skills Development for the effort it exerts to improve the quality of performance in the University






Last modified
Saturday, 13/April/2013