News Archive

In compliance with the directives of His Excellency the University Rector to exchange experience and enhance the communication means with governmental sectors that has long experience in internal audit field, a number of the university employees headed by the director of the department, Mr.

As the Internal Audit Department is always concerned about achieving its tasks with high quality, the department completed its first manual which is the Procedural Manual of the Financial Audit.

In compliance with the directive of His Excellency the Rector, the Department of Internal Audit has finished the works of the organizational manual which includes an introduction about the audit as well as its importance, vision, message and the organizational structure. It also includes the…

In compliance with the directives of His Excellency the Rector to enhance the communication with significant forums and respected sectors, the university participated in the 3rd internal audit forum in Saudi Arabia, organized by the Saudi Internal Auditors Association on 25/1/1436.



 The General Administration of Internal Audit completed the annual plans for audit for the first and second quarters for the year 2021. The reports were submitted to respected departments.