Performance Measurement Platform

About the System:

Performance indicators are used for measuring the success of any organization in achieving their major goals. That usually helps these organizations in serving beneficiaries in the best possible way. These indicators allow organizations to understand the processes that need to be implemented, and to ensure that decisions are based on facts, information and figures as well as identifying ways to improve work. In a nutshell, it enables organizations to monitor performance regularly.

In line with the importance of performance indicators and at the request of the directives of Rector of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, Majmaah University has placed considerable attention to these indicators.

Since its establishment, MU launched the first strategic plan which featured performance indicators which contributed to controlling the progress of the university. At this stage, the university’s first guide to measure performance indicators was issued.

As continuous development is one of the university’s undoubtful pursuits, a mechanism for managing performance indicators was developed, in conjunction with the university’s launch of its second strategic plan.

The idea of developing these indicators has guided the university to establish the General Administration for Strategic Planning, which is currently in charge of performance indicators.

Since there is an inclination by organizations worldwide to automate their procedures to raising efficiency by speeding achievements while reducing costs, MU has built its own management system for performance indicators.

MU’s Performance Indicators Management System is an accessible portal to manage and automate the procedures of strategic plan and performance indicators. The system helps in building a strategic plan and managing performance indicators by setting target values ​​based on measurement and saving all measurements of performance indicators in a unified user-friendly database that allow printing reports.

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