The General Administration of University Security participated in organizing a number of events and activities held in the university buildings and facilities during Rajab. Security guards were placed at the entrances and exits and traffic was managed.

The Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof.

The General Administration of University Security participated in organizing a number of events and activities held in the university facilities during the month of Jumada al-Akhir.
The General Administration of University Security participated in organizing a number of events and activities held in the university facilities during the month of Jumada al-Awwal last year. The participation included placing security guards at the entrances and exits and organizing traffic…

The General Administration of Security participated in organizing a number of events and activities held in the university last month through security and traffic services. |Security guards showed up at the entrances and exits of buildings. The most important of these events was the Rector's…

The General Administration of University Security participated in organizing a number of events and activities held in the university buildings and facilities through security and traffic organization.

The University Security launched an initiative in conjunction with the 94th Saudi National Day. Many employees and visitors to the General Administration of University Security building participated in the event throughout the past week.

The General Administration of University Security participated in organizing a number of events and activities held in the university buildings and facilities during the past month of Safar. This included having security guards at the entrances and exits and organizing traffic movement.

The General Administration of University Security, represented by the Traffic Department, organized a training course for traffic supervisors to learn about the tasks and duties as well as field work procedures.

The General Administration of University Security participated in organizing several events and activities with security guards at the entrances and exits and organizing traffic movement.

The General Administration of University Security participated in organizing a number of events and activities held in the university buildings and facilities during the month of Shawwal.

The General Administration of University Security participated in organizing a number of activities during Ramadan this year with security guards being at the entrances and exits of buildings.

Prof. Mohammed Al-Shehri, the vice-rector for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, honored the participants and organizers of the University Stroke Conference, including the General Administration of University Security.

The General Administration of Services launched an awareness campaign educating employees to have their office door closed when they are away.
This message is part of others to educate the university employees about protecting the university's properties.

The General Administration of University Security, represented by the Women’s Security Department, organized the first meeting for female university security employees (Spring Forum), which was held in the university camp.

The General Administration of University Security participated in organizing a number of events held on campus during the last month of Rajab. Security and traffic organization services were provided.

The General Administration of University Security received a letter of thanks from the Vice-Rector for Development and Investment, Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari, after reviewing the report issued by the administration for the second quarter of the year 1445 AH.

In the presence the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Prof.

The Director of the Administration, Mr. Abdul Rahman Al Abdul Jabbar, held several meetings with the security and traffic departments to review their preparations for the upcoming conference organized by the university on Sustainable Development.

The General Administration of University Security conducted in cooperation with the University Medical Center advanced training courses on how to deal safely with emergency health cases for all visitors to the university facilities.